quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

11th July: Portsmouth (part 3)

The ship is amazing!!!

6 comentários:

  1. Uau!! It seems to me that they are having lots of fun... England is just perfect, right?

  2. I'm a bit biased, but it is indeed! ;o)

  3. Hello Everybody. I hope you all are lovely this wonderfull journey. The weather Really being a great friend of this unforgatable trip.
    But I need to ask teachers and leaders - where is my son Bernardo Moraes, he almost never appear in the group os guys and seems a little sad. i would like to see Bernardo more happier and relaxed.
    Everyone, have good time in classrooms end funny days.
    See everybody soon kisses and gook luck
    Simone Moraes

  4. Queridos Professores,
    É muito tranquilizador saber que vocês estão aí, cuidando para que tudo corra bem, como tem corrido. Estamos saudosos, mas felizes pela alegria que nossos alunos têm demonstrado.Um grande beijo, Norma.

  5. Dear Simone,
    Don't worry. Bernardo is fine. He'll be in other photos too. Sometimes he hides from the camera.
    Dear Norma,
    Esta experiencia na Inglaterra está sendo enriquecedora para todos nós. Todos (professores e alunos) estamos bem contentes.
    Um grande abraço,
    professores Joao Aprigio, Fernando e Celia Elisa

  6. Maiã, I'm very proud of you. You're so self assured and confident. Just as a Ferreira's girl.And I do apreciate your beeing so.Never forget your own style, that's what makes you so special. Love you, miss you.Tia Lud
